Mountain Trout Streams Fly Fishing Report - August 3, 2022
Some midge feeders cruise to feed while others hold on feeding stations. I especially enjoy spotting these cruisers and placing a 7X slack-line cast with a Mr. Rapidan Midge size 20 out in front of his anticipated cruising path.
Earlier this week I was in the Shenandoah National Park. The streams are getting low so be careful to hide your approach and sneak, sneak. The water temperature was around 65 degrees at 10a.m. which is good for this time of year. In addition to the midge listed above, I was doing well with a Murray's Flying Beetle size 16.
Since the water levels are lower, I would recommend coming in from the lower boundaries of the streams. The Hughes, Rose and White Oak usually carry more water than some of the other streams. If you need help finding the different access, stop by the fly shop or see my book Trout Fishing in the Shenandoah National Park.
Some things I will recommend:
- Carry a wading stick with you not only for stability while hiking but also to check any downed trees for snakes before walking over them.
- Take plenty of bottled water and emergency supplies with you.
- Carry a trash bag so that you can carry all trash out with you. Keep our Park clean and enjoyable to visit.
- Always let someone know where you are planning to hike and when you will be returning.
We have set up our Spring 2023 Mountain Trout Fly Fishing Schools. If you are interested in learning more about fly fishing in the small native brook trout streams, then join us next spring.