Trout Streams Fly Fishing Report - February 2, 2023
Stocked Trout Streams - All of the local stocked trout streams and delayed harvest areas are clear and fishable. These streams get fished heavily the first few days after they are stocked so you might have to try to look for areas that are not easily accessible. The Shenandoah Silver Ghost Streamer that I mentioned last week with the Mr. Rapidan Soft Hackle Nymph as a dropper is still working. Crayfish patterns as I discussed in this months newsletter is another fly to have in your box. Fish these flies deeply below the fast riffles along the stream bottom.
To see the latest streams stocked, visit the VA DWR website
Mountain Trout Streams-- The weather was so nice earlier in the week, that I decided to hit the mountain trout streams. I was able to land a few on the Mr. Rapidan Parachute Dry size 14 but landed more on the Bead Head Squirrel Nymph and Bead Hear Hare's Ear Nymph. Did I catch as many as I would in April? Not by a long ways, but I was surprised to have these results in late January. I am getting cabin fever so any warmer day that Mother Nature gives me, I am going to take advantage of it.
If you need help on access to the native brook trout streams, then
- read my book Trout Fishing in the Shenandoah National Park
- or join us on February 11 at Murray's Fly Shop at 10a.m. where I will be holding a classroom discussion on the Shenandoah National Park streams
- or register for one of our On The Stream Mountain Trout Schools Spring 2023. We conduct some in the Shenandoah National Park and some in the George Washington National Forest.
Incidentally, I have had a few people calling and asking what rod size I recommend for the small native brook trout streams. I have many people that have a 9ft 5wt fly rod and while that rod might be suitable for the western trout streams it is too much for the small native brook trout streams. I recommend a fly rod that is 6.5ft to 7.5ft long in a 3-weight. The Murray's Mountain Trout Rod is excellent for these streams but I have many different rods in different prices that would work well on these streams. Click here to see our selection of fly rod combos at discounted prices..